The first Belle Isle Bridge under construction
Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library; Retouching by Helmut Ziewers
The first bridge to Belle Isle
Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library; Retouching by Helmut Ziewers
The first bridge to Belle Isle wasn't built with automobiles in mind.
Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library; Retouching by Helmut Ziewers
The first bridge to Belle Isle
Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library; Retouching by Helmut Ziewers
The first bridge to Belle Isle
Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library; Retouching by Helmut Ziewers
The first Belle Isle Bridge had a much different look than its successor.
Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library; Retouching by Helmut Ziewers
The first bridge to Belle Isle
Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library; Retouching by Helmut Ziewers
The old Belle Isle Bridge, showing a ferry at the Belle Isle ferry dock
Photo from the Walter P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University; Retouching by Helmut Ziewers
The first Belle Isle Bridge, seen in 1912
Photo from the collection of Vance Patrick
Photo from the collection of Vance Patrick
Photo from the collection of Vance Patrick
The view as pedestrians and motorists set out on the first Belle Isle bridge
Photo from the collection of Vance Patrick
The first Belle Isle Bridge in 1915, the same year it burned
Photo from the collection of Vance Patrick
The first Belle Isle Bridge in 1912
Photo from the collection of Vance Patrick
The Belle Isle Bridge in 1912
Photo from the collection of Vance Patrick
A busy day at the Belle Isle Bridge in this undated photo
Photo from the collection of Vance Patrick